Monday 15 August 2016

Term Three, week 4

Thank you to all my Room 8 parents who have been following our CLASSROOM BLOG over this past year from today onwards we will be using the SEESAW APP to communicate what we are learning and doing in Room 8.

Nga mihi

Doris Lake

Monday 8 August 2016

Term Three, week 3

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony- Waikanae Style
We will be holding our own OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY- Friday 12 August 2016

  • You will represent a country of your choice ( or close to it!)
  • You will need to design a flag, and or banner representing your country
  • Wear the colours of that country
  • Be part of the opening ceremony where…….
  • The oldest and youngest member of the school will bring in the Olympic Torch to light the Olympic Flame.
  • A member of the Leadership team will take the oath on behalf of all athletes ( YOU! )
  • Members from each Syndicate will carry the Olympic Flag and raise it on our flagpole ( iT WILL REMAIN THERE FOR THE DURATION OF THE GAMES.)
  • Mr Campbell will officially open the games.

  • Olympic sports  - a modified fun  version! will be played by each class earning HOUSE POINTS. More information shortly.

Term Three, week 3

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony- Waikanae Style
We will be holding our own OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY- Friday 12 August 2016

  • You will represent a country of your choice ( or close to it!)
  • You will need to design a flag, and or banner representing your country
  • Wear the colours of that country
  • Be part of the opening ceremony where…….
  • The oldest and youngest member of the school will bring in the Olympic Torch to light the Olympic Flame.
  • A member of the Leadership team will take the oath on behalf of all athletes ( YOU! )
  • Members from each Syndicate will carry the Olympic Flag and raise it on our flagpole ( iT WILL REMAIN THERE FOR THE DURATION OF THE GAMES.)
  • Mr Campbell will officially open the games.

  • Olympic sports  - a modified fun  version! will be played by each class earning HOUSE POINTS. More information shortly.

Monday 25 July 2016

Term Three, week 1

Naumai, hoki mai ki te Kura.
Welcome back to School.

Firstly I would like to thank all those whanau who attended the Parent/Teacher interview in the last week of Term 2, I realise for some of you this may have been a hectic time and you may have not been able to make it.  If you were unable to make it I am more than happy for you to email me and we can arrange a time where I can share and go through your child's DATAFILE with you.  Can I please have all DATAFILES returned within the next 2 weeks.

Please keep up to date with what is happening in the wider school community by reading the weekly school newsletters that come out every Tuesday via our school website (if you are not on internet we can arrange a paper copy of the newsletter for your whanau).

Our Te Waharua Tahi Newsletter with be on our website within the next couple of days also.

Remember if you have any concerns or queries please feel free to come and see me, I am available in the mornings from 8-8.30am and after schools on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as we meet for Staff meetings on a Monday and Syndicate meetings on Tuesdays.

Please encourage and support your child's home reading each night.

Nga Mihi

Doris Lake

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Term 2, week 6

Note: School Photos Thursday 9th June (tomorrow)

Just to confirm that school photos will take place tomorrow and Friday morning in the Library.

The current schedule will be Years 1-4 on Thursday morning and Yrs 5-8 on Friday morning plus Kapa Haka.

If you are intending to have a sibling photo, then please be at school between 8.00 and 9.00am (on either day) as we are intending to have all sibling photos completed by 9am in order for classroom and individual photos to start on time. This is done on a first come first served basis so if you have other children that need to be at college or kindy then you may want to come along earlier rather than later.

If you have children split across the syndicates - Te Waharua, Te Aramoana or Te Poutama - and therefore have class photos on both days; you may want to think about which day would suit you best and possibly let the office know so we have a rough idea of numbers for the photographers. Please make sure you fill in a sibling photo form which is available at the office.

If you need any further information, call the office on 902 6544

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Term Two, week 5

24 May 2016 - 1 July 2016


WAIKANAE SCHOOL APP. Waikanae Primary School now has a Mobile App.
This App is smartphone friendly and enables you to see… Urgent ‘Push Notices and Alerts’,
Our Calendar Our Newsletters Class Blogs Facebook Pages and other important links and
Contacts and Phone numbers Fill out an Absent Form for your child when they are sick or absent
from school. This is really good! (No more phone messages!)
This section will be very useful for busy parents. Stay in touch and get the App, just go to Playstore /Appstore and search Waikanae Primary School and download for Free!!
This App also works well on Android Tabs and IPads!
24 May 2016 - 3 June 2016

Matariki Celebrations

Tena koutou katoa ki nga matuanga whanau me nga mokopuna o te kura o Waikanae.
This year as part of our Matariki Celebrations Waikanae School will be celebrating this special time down at Whakarongotai Marae on Thursday the 2nd of June. We have the honour of displaying and sharing the Whakapapa of our Reanga Tukutuku panels in the Wharenui from 10am in the morning through till 10pm. Over the course of the day we will have activities, stories and our people of the Marae joining in to take part with the celebrations of Matariki sharing their korero and stories. Our mokopuna/ tamariki will get the opportunity to go down to Whakarongotai Marae during the day
and take part in all the activities on offer.
We have been very fortunate this year to also be part of the Mahara Gallery Art night,
Po Whakaatu Toi where our tamariki will be performing a Kapa Haka bracket.
The time of performance is 4pm outside Mahara Gallery.

Term 2, week 4

The Great School Furniture Give Away

We are giving away (for a donation so it is not quite free) lots of older school desks to any parent or friend of the school who want some. This situation has come about because: 

1. We have furniture for a maximum of 550 students (current role 460) 

2. Some of the furniture is nearing 20 years of age and is suffering from some wear and tear 

3. Our teaching and learning practices/pedagogy are/is evolving and moving away from traditional classroom environments into a more flexible learning environment where students are given options about how they would like to work. i.e. group tables, standing tables, the floor, individual desks etc. 

4. We do not have the storage space for the amount of spare furniture Speak to the Office for more information.