Wednesday 1 June 2016

Term 2, week 4

The Great School Furniture Give Away

We are giving away (for a donation so it is not quite free) lots of older school desks to any parent or friend of the school who want some. This situation has come about because: 

1. We have furniture for a maximum of 550 students (current role 460) 

2. Some of the furniture is nearing 20 years of age and is suffering from some wear and tear 

3. Our teaching and learning practices/pedagogy are/is evolving and moving away from traditional classroom environments into a more flexible learning environment where students are given options about how they would like to work. i.e. group tables, standing tables, the floor, individual desks etc. 

4. We do not have the storage space for the amount of spare furniture Speak to the Office for more information.

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