Monday 8 August 2016

Term Three, week 3

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony- Waikanae Style
We will be holding our own OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY- Friday 12 August 2016

  • You will represent a country of your choice ( or close to it!)
  • You will need to design a flag, and or banner representing your country
  • Wear the colours of that country
  • Be part of the opening ceremony where…….
  • The oldest and youngest member of the school will bring in the Olympic Torch to light the Olympic Flame.
  • A member of the Leadership team will take the oath on behalf of all athletes ( YOU! )
  • Members from each Syndicate will carry the Olympic Flag and raise it on our flagpole ( iT WILL REMAIN THERE FOR THE DURATION OF THE GAMES.)
  • Mr Campbell will officially open the games.

  • Olympic sports  - a modified fun  version! will be played by each class earning HOUSE POINTS. More information shortly.

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