Monday 15 August 2016

Term Three, week 4

Thank you to all my Room 8 parents who have been following our CLASSROOM BLOG over this past year from today onwards we will be using the SEESAW APP to communicate what we are learning and doing in Room 8.

Nga mihi

Doris Lake

Monday 8 August 2016

Term Three, week 3

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony- Waikanae Style
We will be holding our own OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY- Friday 12 August 2016

  • You will represent a country of your choice ( or close to it!)
  • You will need to design a flag, and or banner representing your country
  • Wear the colours of that country
  • Be part of the opening ceremony where…….
  • The oldest and youngest member of the school will bring in the Olympic Torch to light the Olympic Flame.
  • A member of the Leadership team will take the oath on behalf of all athletes ( YOU! )
  • Members from each Syndicate will carry the Olympic Flag and raise it on our flagpole ( iT WILL REMAIN THERE FOR THE DURATION OF THE GAMES.)
  • Mr Campbell will officially open the games.

  • Olympic sports  - a modified fun  version! will be played by each class earning HOUSE POINTS. More information shortly.

Term Three, week 3

Olympic Games Opening Ceremony- Waikanae Style
We will be holding our own OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY- Friday 12 August 2016

  • You will represent a country of your choice ( or close to it!)
  • You will need to design a flag, and or banner representing your country
  • Wear the colours of that country
  • Be part of the opening ceremony where…….
  • The oldest and youngest member of the school will bring in the Olympic Torch to light the Olympic Flame.
  • A member of the Leadership team will take the oath on behalf of all athletes ( YOU! )
  • Members from each Syndicate will carry the Olympic Flag and raise it on our flagpole ( iT WILL REMAIN THERE FOR THE DURATION OF THE GAMES.)
  • Mr Campbell will officially open the games.

  • Olympic sports  - a modified fun  version! will be played by each class earning HOUSE POINTS. More information shortly.