Saturday 14 May 2016

Term Two, week 2

Tena koutou katoa ki nga matua, nga whanau me nga mokopuna o te kura o Waikanae

This year as part of our Matariki Celebrations Waikanae School will be celebrating this special time down at Whakarongotai Marae on Thursday the 2nd of June.  We have the honour of displaying and sharing the Whakapapa of our Reanga Tukutuku panels in the Wharenui from 10am in the morning through till 10pm.  
Our mokopuna/tamariki will get the opportunity to go down to Whakarongotai Marae during the day and take part in all the activities on offer, that our teachers and iwi of the Marae have prepared to teach and share.

We have been very fortunate this year to also be part of the Mahara Gallery Art night, Po Whakaatu Toi where our tamariki will be performing a Kapa Haka bracket.  Time of performance is at 4pm outside Mahara Gallery.

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