Sunday 15 May 2016

Term Two, week 3

Dear Parents,

School Closing Early (12.30pm) Wednesday 18 May for Funeral Service
We are saddened by the passing of Adrienne Larkin, the wife of our long serving Caretaker Peter Larkin.
Due to the fact a large portion of our staff wish to support Peter and attend Adrienne’s funeral we are asking that parents collect their students from school at 12.30pm on Wednesday 18 May.
If you are unable to collect your children from school we will be providing limited supervision. There will be some teachers and other staff who will remain at school, however, normal classes will not be operating.
It is important to note that the buses will be as per the following schedule:
At 12.30pmAfter school Normal Time
South BeachYes 12.40pmNormal Service 3.05 pm
North BeachYes 12.40pmNormal Service 3.05 pm
Peka PekaNo ServiceNormal Service 3.25 pm
ReikorangiNo ServiceNormal Service 3.25 pm

Parents living in Peka Peka and Reikorangi will, therefore, need to make arrangements to have their children collected from school at 12.30 or leave their children at school under the supervision of our staff.
Thank you for your understanding.

Bevan Campbell
Waikanae School

Saturday 14 May 2016

Term Two, week 2

Tena koutou katoa ki nga matua, nga whanau me nga mokopuna o te kura o Waikanae

This year as part of our Matariki Celebrations Waikanae School will be celebrating this special time down at Whakarongotai Marae on Thursday the 2nd of June.  We have the honour of displaying and sharing the Whakapapa of our Reanga Tukutuku panels in the Wharenui from 10am in the morning through till 10pm.  
Our mokopuna/tamariki will get the opportunity to go down to Whakarongotai Marae during the day and take part in all the activities on offer, that our teachers and iwi of the Marae have prepared to teach and share.

We have been very fortunate this year to also be part of the Mahara Gallery Art night, Po Whakaatu Toi where our tamariki will be performing a Kapa Haka bracket.  Time of performance is at 4pm outside Mahara Gallery.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Term Two, week 1

Welcome to Term 2. Naumai, haere mai, hoki mai. We hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday!

We have another fun filled term planned with THINK SEE WONDER as our topic.
Exciting Science boxes each week will have children wondering, experimenting and developing questioning techniques while learning all about the wonders of Science.

Health and PE
MoveMprove Kiwi Sports Programme        
The programme helps to develop the skills   required to participate in all types of sports and recreational activities. The programme is delivered by The Kiwi Sports Foundation.

Winter is coming!

Please ensure that children come to school with warm clothing that has been named. Footwear that can put on and taken off independently is appreciated.  Please keep unwell children at home until they are better.  This stops the bugs from spreading.

During week 5 we will celebrate and learn about Matariki,  More information about the celebrations will follow closer to the time.

Nursery Rhymes                                        
Enjoying nursery rhymes will be our focus for shared reading. You could help from home by reading Nursery rhymes together. 
Dress us as your favourite Nursery rhyme character and bring your favourite rhyme to share towards the end of the term.  More  information to follow.

Discovery Time
This exciting, activity-based programme provides a vehicle for teachers and students    to explore curriculum learning and key competency development, in a fun, challenging,  student-directed, authentic context. Discovery Time will take place every Thursday and students will be developing ways to Manage Themselves during  action packed learning opportunities.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Keeping Ourselves Safe is a child protection   programme in which children and young people learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others.  It is run by the NZ Police.

Activity fee for Term 2

Please pay the activity fee at the school office.
Any parent that does not want their child to participate in any Activity Fee funded       activities must withdraw their child by notifying the office in writing.  The easiest way to do this is to email the

Term 2 Activity Fee:

Discovery Time — $2.00

Mauriora. Thank you for your support,
Te Waharua Tahi teachers