Thursday 18 February 2016

Term One, week 4

Swimming Fun Session Wednesday 24th February -Waikanae Pools!

We would love for you to join us, to help with supervision and getting children changed.  We ask that you meet us at the pool, as there will be limited room on the bus.  Only half of the children will be swimming at a time, the rest will be playing with sports equipment on the grass area.  

Our swim time is from 11.45-12.30 with Room's 7, 9, 20 and 21 (Te Waharua Tahi)

Please send your child to school in their togs so we only have to get changed once.  The tamariki (children) will need to bring their underwear and towel in their bag to get changed into after their swim.  Please make sure your child also has a good hearty lunch and lots of water to drink.

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