Monday 25 July 2016

Term Three, week 1

Naumai, hoki mai ki te Kura.
Welcome back to School.

Firstly I would like to thank all those whanau who attended the Parent/Teacher interview in the last week of Term 2, I realise for some of you this may have been a hectic time and you may have not been able to make it.  If you were unable to make it I am more than happy for you to email me and we can arrange a time where I can share and go through your child's DATAFILE with you.  Can I please have all DATAFILES returned within the next 2 weeks.

Please keep up to date with what is happening in the wider school community by reading the weekly school newsletters that come out every Tuesday via our school website (if you are not on internet we can arrange a paper copy of the newsletter for your whanau).

Our Te Waharua Tahi Newsletter with be on our website within the next couple of days also.

Remember if you have any concerns or queries please feel free to come and see me, I am available in the mornings from 8-8.30am and after schools on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as we meet for Staff meetings on a Monday and Syndicate meetings on Tuesdays.

Please encourage and support your child's home reading each night.

Nga Mihi

Doris Lake