Monday 21 March 2016

Term One, week 8

Naumai, haeremai come and be part of the
House Launch Assembly with Room 8 - Thursday 2:15 on turf
(Wet weather cancellation day Friday 1st April)

Dress up Parade

Each house will do a parade around the turf to music INCLUDING teachers!!!

Points will be awarded to the:
  • Best dressed students overall (1st - 100 points, 2nd - 50 points, 3rd - 25 points)
  • Teachers (1st - 100 points, 2nd - 50 points, 3rd - 25 points)
  • Best dressed house overall (most house members dressed up and / or most creatively dressed overall!!) - 100 points

Chant competition

Tug of war   

Over and unders relay

Egg and spoon races

Bean Bag throw into the teachers basket

Room 17
Room 18
Room 3
Room 20
Room 8
Room 16
Room 5
Room 2
Room 9
Room 15
Room 6
Room 1
Room 7
Room 14
Room 19
Room 4
Room 21

Sunday 13 March 2016

Term One, week 7


Today in Room 8 we had Constable Andy come and talk to us about our good behaviour and what is looks like, she read us a story about 'Happy Spring' and we talked about behaviour we liked and behaviour we didn't like.

Ask your child about the story.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Term One, week 6

Mihi o tenei wiki nga matua o nga tamariki i te ruma waru.

Over the past few weeks your child has been learning about Bucket filling and developing the skills to form positive, respectful and successful friendships with their peers, within the school, classroom, Te Waharua Tahi and the home environment.  We have our buckets on display in our classroom, so if at anytime you have a spare 5 minutes to come in during the mornings or afternoons I'm sure your child would be happy to share with you what they have been learning.

Nau mai, haere mai ki te titiro i o koutou tamariki mahi.
Pai o koutou ra me te wiki hoki